Thursday, April 15, 2010

Am I Good Enough?

I have always had an inferiority complex. And when you read John 3:16, 'That God so LOVED the WORLD...' I don't really include myself in that. You don't ever really think...that's ME. He loved ME so much. Sometimes I do. Especially after reading 'Tattoos On The Heart.'

Yesterday was a bad day. And I was not nice. Today is a new day and I'm trying to open my heart with compassion.

But I still have these problems thinking that I'm not good enough.

I keep reading devotionals and passages that God disciplines His children and shapes them like a father who always wants to make their child better. But I feel like God would have to discipline me within an inch of my life for me to actually GET IT. And I keep life isn't that bad, there are much worse things. Does God not want to shape me?

I think, well, I don't really want bad things to happen (hell, who does?) but if it means He's shaping me, then I could handle it. But maybe He knows that I couldn't. And maybe He's waiting and maybe He's still guiding me along, but I still just keep thinking...Am I good enough?


  1. I think of how much I love my kids and how I try to shape them. Not only does shaping take place during the bad, it also takes place during the good! And while my kids drive me completely out of my head, they are the best. God loves us so much more then we love our kids I believe. You are better then good enough!!!!

  2. Your self worth is found in HIM who loves you most. You will never find true and fulfilling happiness in humans or other things....only in HIM. Indeed, he loves you more than you can comprehend.
    Hugs, love, and prayers,

  3. If you were the only person on earth, Jesus would have died just for you. YOU ARE WORTHY! The enemy is whispering lies to you. Everytime you start feeling low, start speaking scriptures of God's love outloud. There's no way you can stay down when you do that!
