Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Month Of Rice

I would like to apologize.  I know that I haven't been around lately.  I mean, I've posted stuff but ME, my words or thoughts have been slightly absent.

But I thought I'd tell you guys about something I'm gonna try ("try" being the operative word).

A few months ago, I got an e-mail from Oxfam.  You clicked on a link to see what you would be "eating" tonight, depending on where you were in the world.  You could get one of three things:

It was either rice, rice and a staple food (like beans) or a full meal.

I got rice:

You are one of the 50% of people in the world who will eat nothing more than basic staple foods like rice today. While you go hungry, 35% of the world’s population will eat slightly more than you – and only 15%, the lucky ones, will get a full meal. 

And then I thought...50%?!  50% of the world will only have RICE for dinner?  What is it like to eat only rice for dinner?

My husband is an accountant and you know that we're gearing up for tax season.  Once tax season comes, he eats dinner at work...perfect timing for me to try this (especially since Steve gave it the big N-O)

So here's my plan:
I am going to eat rice for dinner for a month, starting on March 8th.  I know, random date.  My husband's birthday is March 1st and I want to take him out to dinner, so I'm starting on a random date.  The money I would have used for groceries will go to help build a playground for children in Uganda.

The only reason I bring it up is...


Sure, maybe a month is crazy, but maybe you could try a week?  Or even a day?  I think it would be a lot of fun to do it together (of course I do!  I'm the crazy one doing it for a month!).

You can leave a comment if you want to join me or, if you'd like to check out some links on hunger in both the US and around the world, you can visit these:
ELCA World Hunger
Feeding America
Bread for the World


  1. LOVE IT!!!! You rock my friend- LOVE that you are living it!!! Thank you so much for your amazing heart- once again!!!

  2. OMG, what an awesome idea! I would join you in a heartbeat except...I'm a mess with this vision problem. And with WOF 2 days away and me not being able to see very good....but if I can get all this cleared up, I will join you in the rice dinner plan...
